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Sixt Rent A Car - San Jose International Airport- SJC
1659 Airport Blvd,
San Jose,California,
# de artículo Categoría de artículo Lugar Fecha Reclamar antes de
19502171 Sunglasses NV441W31 5/8/2024 07/07/2024
19504549 Medication / Equipment FL26DGRG 5/5/2024 07/04/2024
19452685 Tablet codtlt70 4/30/2024 06/29/2024
19414451 Sunglasses unknown 4/24/2024 06/23/2024
19414433 Parking Permit unknown 4/24/2024 06/23/2024
19414425 Sunglasses ca9ewd520 4/24/2024 06/23/2024
19400255 Camera ca9gjp321 4/22/2024 06/21/2024
19369479 water bottle nv297v37 4/17/2024 06/16/2024
19362691 apple pencil nv381x52 4/16/2024 06/15/2024
19330873 Checks / Checkbook unknown 4/11/2024 06/10/2024
19220725 Amex NV356Y57 3/25/2024 05/24/2024
19183699 Charger CA9GJR417 3/19/2024 05/18/2024
19180915 Cosmetic / Makeup Bag ca9jlx437 3/17/2024 05/16/2024

Anyone wishing to claim property at the lost and found must provide a detailed description of the item, proof of ownership and valid ID or a Driver's License.

Found items are held for a maximum of 60 days.

Please note that Sixt Rent A Car is not financially responsible for lost items.

If you still have questions, please login to MySixt or contact customer service, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 855-739-3096.