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Enterprise Rent A Car - Harrisburg Airport - MDT
2 Terminal Drive,

# de artículo Categoría de artículo Lugar Fecha Reclamar antes de
20383493 Parking Permit NA 9/19/2024 11/18/2024
20383433 Garage Gate Opener NA 9/19/2024 11/18/2024
20383921 Sunglasses PC896011 9/18/2024 11/17/2024
20383563 Bluetooth Speaker NA 9/16/2024 11/15/2024
20383511 Keys SU857151 9/16/2024 11/15/2024
20383611 Earbuds RH409343 9/13/2024 11/12/2024
20383593 Keys RL513146 9/12/2024 11/11/2024
20383529 Umbrella RF223444 9/12/2024 11/11/2024
20383901 Toll Transponder RG295585 9/10/2024 11/09/2024
20383879 Parking Permit NA 9/10/2024 11/09/2024
20383341 Book RN409436 9/9/2024 11/08/2024
20383479 Parking Permit RF128117 9/6/2024 11/05/2024
20383395 Identification RR241083 9/6/2024 11/05/2024
20383663 Toll Transponder NA 9/3/2024 11/02/2024
20383643 Toll Transponder RR238814 9/1/2024 10/31/2024
20383423 Music Player RM029653 8/28/2024 10/27/2024
20212609 Blanket PR624163 8/20/2024 10/19/2024
20212581 Briefcase NA 8/19/2024 10/18/2024
20212511 Book R8958452 8/19/2024 10/18/2024
20212443 Garage Gate Opener RC694452 8/19/2024 10/18/2024
20212411 Earbuds RBA95152 8/19/2024 10/18/2024
20212375 Identification NA 8/19/2024 10/18/2024
20212361 Book R627522 8/19/2024 10/18/2024
20212473 Toys R2048962 8/17/2024 10/16/2024
20171963 Book RFA35552 8/16/2024 10/15/2024
20171945 Earbuds RW291970 8/16/2024 10/15/2024
20158845 Toll Transponder RR179488 8/14/2024 10/13/2024
20171927 Coffee Mug NA 8/12/2024 10/11/2024
20171881 Earbuds RW328395 8/12/2024 10/11/2024
20171861 Toll Transponder RW269619 8/12/2024 10/11/2024
20171841 Eyeglasses NA 8/12/2024 10/11/2024
20159111 Keys PR317246 8/12/2024 10/11/2024
20159075 Eyeglasses NA 8/12/2024 10/11/2024
20158869 Toll Transponder RG288259 8/12/2024 10/11/2024
20171915 Coffee Mug RZ369153 8/10/2024 10/09/2024
20116481 Purse / Handbag NA 8/8/2024 10/07/2024
20116449 Purse / Handbag RR249426 8/8/2024 10/07/2024
20116413 Eyeglasses P0110941 8/7/2024 10/06/2024
20116589 Shorts NA 8/5/2024 10/04/2024
20116559 Parking Permit NA 8/5/2024 10/04/2024
20116503 Cosmetic / Makeup Bag NA 8/5/2024 10/04/2024
20116339 PORTABLE CHARGER RR237624 8/1/2024 09/30/2024
20077801 Watch RC710144 8/1/2024 09/30/2024
20067803 Documents UNKNOWN 8/1/2024 09/30/2024
20077881 Purse / Handbag NA 7/31/2024 09/29/2024
20077837 Charger RG138929 7/31/2024 09/29/2024
20056453 CAPITAL ONE PT088115 7/30/2024 09/28/2024
20054087 Tablet RR237240 7/30/2024 09/28/2024
20056479 Identification R5129203 7/29/2024 09/27/2024
20056635 Earbuds RU293564 7/27/2024 09/25/2024

The Lost & Found Department is located at 2 Terminal Drive, Middletown, Pennsylvania, 17057. You may visit between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Monday through Friday. Visitors are encouraged to report lost or misplaced articles using the link above.

You may also inquire in person or you can phone 855-400-0862.

Found items are held for a maximum of 60 days.

Anyone wishing to claim property at the lost and found area must provide a detailed description of the item, proof of ownership and valid ID or a Driver's License.